Color profile for Telefunken TV in MPI Guesthouse Golm

Color profile for Telefunken TV in MPI Guesthouse Golm

Telefunken TV screens are very nice but IMO useless facility in MPI Campus Guesthouse in Golm, Potsdam, Germany. Well, unless you connect it to your laptop as a second screen via HDMI or VGA. However, its initial colors are ugly. To make a correction, I have adjusted the screen′s settings to neutral and then calibrated it with X-Rite Colormunki spectrophotometer. The resulting profile is at least usable and quite okay for a TV screen.

Device Icons (.icns)

Device Icons (.icns)

When using various flash drives, hard disks and memory cards, I like to have them with respective custom icons in Finder in place of default image. So I made my own icons for frequently used devices. It’s quite easy to do with iconutil. If you by any chance use the same devices, feel free to download ready icons in macOS .icns format.

Remove from EXIF – removal of lens and camera info from an image file

Remove from EXIF – removal of lens and camera info from an image file

It happens that you would like to avoid leaving information about which camera body and lens were used to create a photograph. These data could be removed from EXIF while keeping all the other metadata like location, aperture, shutter speed, etc. – with help of exiftool, a command-line utility to manipulate EXIF.
To make life easier, I created a small service application for macOS available from context menu. You right-click the image and select which information to remove from EXIF.
To have the same thing on your Mac, create an Automator Service named Remove from EXIF….workflow in the following folder.

How to optimize Lightroom performance

You may google this topic and found several advices on a) tricking with Camera RAW cache size, and b) disabling .XMP file option. Personally I dislike disabling .XMP’s. That’s why: if a Lightroom catalog file fails you’ll stay with fresh unprocessed RAWs and all your work with developing files will be lost. (Of course you can manually export develop settings, but should you remember?)
Hence I offer another method. Idea is simple: turn off some of abundant Lightroom modules, or plug-ins, and application will start and work faster.